KICKICO Combines Between Blockchain And Crowdfunding

 Dear readers. I'm more than sure that many of you have heard of such a phenomenon as cornerfunding. And as a large number of people even took part in this. And since this article is posted on a resource that is directly related to crypto-currencies, then you all know what ISO is.

Crowdfunding and ICO have become a very popular way to get a project at the moment. Because of the benefits of joining a project, there are many investors who are looking for potential projects to be funded. Unfortunately, ICO and crowdfunding still face many challenges that make investors reluctant to pour their money into the project. Let alone fund this project, investors really find it difficult to find projects they can invest. Thankfully, KICKICO is now here to solve the problem. Before knowing how this platform can solve ICO and crowdfunding problems, let's find the difficulties that usually exist around this project.

ICO is an effort undertaken to collect / raise funds to build an application, project, or the like in connection with Blockchain.
ICO will offer a number of tokens by developers or companies to investors as a form of reward received, and this token is expected in the future after the ICO completes its price will increase to benefit investors.
There are no clear rules about ICO, the investors involved in it are just speculating with their belief that someday this company will grow and they will benefit.

Get to know ICIC KICK

KICKICO is a blockchain online crowdfunding platform that provides its users (project authors, advocates, advisers, escrow agents, translators, designers, advertisers) with online fundraising tools that operate through decentralized blockchain technology and smart contracts.
This tool provides an opportunity to:
Launching ICO, pre-ICO, and crowdfunding campaigns, providing support services related to the launch of ICO, pre-ICO, and crowdfunding campaigns ensure the safety of PreICO, ICO and other crowfunding campaigns, using KickCoin cryptocurrency for internal payments.
Kickico is born from crowdfunding problems, KICKICO will provide solutions for investors and fundraisers to make it easy to run their business.
KICKICO is not a new platform for crowdfunding, but KICKICO is also different from pre-existing platforms. KICK ICO has a smart offering and smart concepts to cope with investor concerns that will join ICO program at KICKICO in the future.

The main problem is ICO and Crowdfunding

The biggest problem with ICO is that there is no rule for this so it is actually very easy for the project proponent to run for investor money after ICO succeeds. Furthermore, as mentioned above, there is no platform and community that can bring together project proponents and investors. As a result, while investors are actively looking for projects they can support, the likelihood of missing out on interesting projects is still large. Just like ICO, crowdfunding also faces so many problems. One of the biggest problems in crowdfunding is the fact that investors are not protected. Most of the time, supporters have nothing but promises from project proponents. Once funds are collected, there are many cases where project starters disappear without a trace. To prevent this from happening, most of the crowdfunding platforms force the project proponent to stay in the same country as the project site. This limits the range of projects that make this project less attractive to investors.

KICKICO Solutions Troubleshoot.

KICKICO has various solutions to the problem. First of all, it provides a community that unites scavengers and project proponents. As a result, supporters know where to look for projects and they will not miss the opportunity to invest in an exciting project. Furthermore, based on smart contract Ethereum so that every transaction is recorded and safe. Beginners of the project will not have the opportunity to run for investor money. In addition, this platform also has a token called Kick Coins. The backers will receive this digital coin once they invest their money for the project. The coins will give a sense of security to the supporters because they have something valuable to hold on to this project and not just some sweet promises.


Initial public offer tokens are in progress. You can support this project and thus allow development and in turn get tokens, and then engage in revolution. In circulation, there will be a total of 815,000 000 tokens. Of these, 15,000,000 are reserved for ICO beforehand, while 600,000,000 for ICO are reserved. 100,000,000 tokens were handed over to the founders of the project. At the time of writing of the article, the project collects 2074 ether and moves the minimum required to pre ICO. The main ICO starts at 29.8.

Road Map

KICKICO has now entered the sales phase which will end on September 29, 2017 and just two days Walk KICKICO has reached 102% Seller token KC with funds collected a total of 51,189.74 ETH. It's really amazing .......
Join in with future success:

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